Specificity of the representation restaurant's image in Internet communication (on the example of the restaurant's website and blog genres)

  • Pilyugina N.Yu.

    N. Yu. Pilyugina. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The article focuses on the specifics of the restaurant's image formation in the hypertext space of the restaurant's website and genres. Both genres are considered in the structure of restaurant discourse, which is understood as a special type of communication between a restaurant and a potential client within the social institution of the restaurant business. The communicative purpose of such interaction is to create a permanent guest of the restaurant. Based on the methods of discursive and contextual semantic analysis, the article describes three main strategies for implementing this goal in the restaurant's website space: creating a positive attitude of the client, a positive image of
the restaurant and increasing client activity. Special attention is paid to the interaction of verbal and nonverbal characteristics of the restaurant's website. The main tactics of presenting information on the restaurant's website aimed at implementing strategies are described. The specificity of Vladivostok restaurant websites is to emphasize the national and cultural specifics of communication and information about the restaurant, local popularity and an informal, friendly approach to communicating with guests. Creolization, hypertextuality and interactivity are considered as the main genre-forming parameters of a restaurant blog. An important feature of the restaurant's blog is the possibility of simultaneous exposure through text information and a photo, as well as interaction with subscribers in the comments. Using the example of Vladivostok restaurant blogs, the main linguege means of creating a positive image of a restaurant are described.
Keywords: Internet communication, internet genre, blog, website, creolization, hypertextuality, interactivity, strategy, tactics, communicative goal.